Why I Enjoy Casinos on Cruise Ships
I travel quite a lot on Cruise Ships these days, because my play in their casinos qualifies me for reduced rates on cruises, and sometimes completely free cruises. If you’re on a cruise boat and decide to play, always ask about their Players Clubs and the opportunities you have to earn free drinks, casino credits, or free future cruises. Casinos generally operate 24 hours on cruise ships, except when in ports or inside territorial waters, and there’s plenty of opportunity to play on an average cruise – alongside all of the free quizzes, trivia, entertainers, and live production shows to enjoy.
Cruises give you a chance to completely relax and unwind, and the food and service are always amazing. I’ve placed a few photos from one of my recent casino-paid cruises in the Pacific Ocean. The brochure price was around $1400pp for this cruise, I paid $150pp with a free casino credit to the same amount. At these casino player prices, I doubt I could eat at home for the same money. Casinos at sea are GREAT!