Welcome to HowToBeatTheCasinos.com

Hi, and welcome to howtobeatthecasinos.com. I’m David, also known as “casino barred”, and I’m happy to welcome you here to my 100% free casino advice / help / information site. My aim is to help you to achieve your goal of beating the casinos – and I’ll be doing my best to offer great information to help you do just that. I’ve been writing various online gambling blogs for the last three years or so, and suddenly had the brainwave to bring the best bits of all of those gambling blogs into one place for you to enjoy: howtobeatthecasinos.com is the result!

We’ll look at topics like casino promotions, marketing, online casino bonuses, bounce back offers, website codes, and additional items like online draws, Christmas and holiday casino specials, casino vacation prices etc. Basically, a whole bundle of information to help you!

Of course you’ll also find lots of information here about how to play each of your favourite games – in a way that reduces the house edge to minimum levels to give you a much better chance to take their cash. And we offer links to a range of reputable online casinos, most having been tested and verified as genuine operators by ourselves over many years, and we occasionally offer our own unique offers on top of the cash and bonuses that the casinos themselves will give you, as a thank you for joining via our website.

I wish you the very best of luck, and thank you for visiting howtobeatthecasinos.com. Together, we can take on those palaces of chance and make some cash! Enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey, enjoy the winnings!

David – Webmaster of howtobeatthecasinos.com

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!