Triple Card Poker at 888 Games

Triple Card Poker is a new card game that is rising fast in popularity among poker fiends, and has a unique game play that is virtually unseen by those who aren’t avid players.

Many people haven’t heard about Triple Card Poker yet, but they are starting to find out, and they’re much happier because of it. Triple Card Poker is a new card game that is rising fast in popularity among poker fiends, and has a unique game play that is virtually unseen by those who aren’t avid players. But now, you can get in on the action and possibly win big at 888 Games.

You’ll essentially be playing two games here, with one being the normal Ante game against the dealer and the other being the Pair Plus game, where you bet on whether you will receive at least a pair in the initial deal. You start by placing your bet on the Pair Plus and/or Ante game. Once the cards are dealt, you’ll notice that you have three cards in your hand, as opposed to the normal two hand deal. The action begins to the dealer’s left, as players begin to decide whether they will fold or bet more.

You can’t stand in this game like you can in normal poker; you have to bet at least the ante or fold the cards in your hand. This makes every decision you make critical, but it also makes the winnings incredibly lucrative. After just one round of betting, without any cards hitting the table, the dealer will show his hand. If he has a Queen or higher in his hand, then you need to show your hand and hope that it’s better than the dealer’s, since he is the only one you are playing against. If it is better, you get double your Ante back to you. If you lose, then the dealer takes your bet. In the event that the dealer does not have a Queen in his hand, then the round ends and all of the players are given their bets back to them. If you are playing the Pair Plus game as well, things can get exciting – as the payouts on various hands can be high. For example, get 3 of a kind and you’ll reap a large reward!

Triple Card Poker may sound complicated, since you have multiple games you can play and bets to keep track of. However, it is a very simple game that is a fun short twist on the traditional version of poker. If you go over to 888 Games and give your luck a shot, then you could end up doubling your winnings or more quickly. If you like quick card games and only want to play against the dealer, this is the game for you.

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