The small bets are the winners…

Hmmm, call me old fashioned but I’ve played online for quite a while – and of course in land based casinos when I had the opportunity.

Some might call it coincidental, even common sense, but I’d like to share something I believe to be good advice (you might care to differ)… play SMALL bets to win BIG. Confused?

I’ve seen so many people play a few large bets online or offline, and lose, and then not have the bankroll or inclination to keep on playing and get back up or into profit. The people I’ve noticed winning over a session (myself included) have typically played smaller bets, and hit a good run of cards / dice / numbers.

Think about it this way. If you have £300 / $300 to spend, you could try to get rich quick by making 3 separate £100 / $100 bets. And you might get good results. But in reality you’ve only got 3 chances to win before your bankroll is exhausted (if you hit a bad run straight up). 3 chances out of a random sample is not a lot statistically, and your “chance of ruin” is therefore quite high. If you make 100 bets of £3 each you’ve got a much better statistical chance of keeping your head above water. It doesn’t mean you’ll win necessarily, but you’re giving yourself a better chance. If you hit a good run of 10 results in a row, you could be very happy – and you’ve only had limited risk to get to this point.

In any case, you’ll get a much longer potential period of playing time for your money.

Let me know YOUR thoughts about this – leave a comment or email me (the email address can be found in various entries throughout this blog).

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!