Texas Choose Em at 888 Games

If you’re a fan of Texas Hold Em poker – and just about every casino player is – you’re going to love this new poker game that is available over at 888 Games right now.

If you’re a fan of Texas Hold Em poker – and just about every casino player is – you’re going to love this new poker game that is available over at 888 Games right now. It’s called Texas Choose Em, and it is very similar in its rules to Texas Hold Em, but it only takes a few seconds to play each hand. This is a great casino game for fans of Texas Hold Em who do not want to sit around playing the same hand for several minutes on end, and desire something a little more fast paced.

Well, this fast casino table game is the definition of fast paced. The whole point of Texas Choose Em is to, well, “choose em”. You will be presented with two hands on the table in front of you. One hand is completely face up, while the other is completely face down. The cards are all drawn from the same standard 52 card deck. You just need to pick which hand you think will win. You will have the pay out labelled next to each hand, detailing how much you would win if you were to pick that hand and it were to win. Since you only know what one of the hands looks like, you will have to use your judgment to decide if the value of the showing hand is enough to justify picking it.

If it has only a low valued pair in its arsenal, you will most likely win by picking the other hand. However, the pay off will be greater if the showing hand wins, which is entirely possible. It takes little time to get good at Texas Choose Em – especially if you’ve had experience playing casino poker. If you already know the strategy behind Texas Hold Em, you should do well right away. But just remember, knowing the strategy well doesn’t mean you will always win. You are simply playing the poker hands on the table, and there is nobody to bluff or muscle out of a raise, so you are still dealing with a degree of luck and unique strategy in this game.

Head over to 888 Games now, and you can hop in on the Texas Choose Em action that people are raving about. If you love Texas Hold Em but prefer a quicker version that you can play online, this is the game for you, and if you catch fire and pick em right, you can ride your hot streak towards some huge winnings. Remember to let me know when you love – I love to celebrate with my players!

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