Resorts World Singapore at Sentosa Island

Well, the Resorts World Singapore at Sentosa Island has been open for a month or two now. I know this, because it was about a month or two since I was talking to an executive casino VIP host from that property trying to get me to come across and potentially stay in Crockford’s, their all-suite hotel reserved primarily for VIP players. It’s something I’m thinking about for later in the year, but at this time of year I’m too busy to take on yet more international travel just to placate the wishes of casino hosts around the world. Word to the wise: throw in some significant “appearance money” and I might give it more consideration!

Genting Singapore PLC is part of the Genting Group that is listed in Malaysia. These are internationally experienced gambling operators with a great reputation, and you’re assured a safe gamble with Genting. But you’re also assured that you’ll be found out if you try and cheat them. That’s what happened to Hou Yongwei this week when he was sentenced to 10 months in jail for attempting to cheat the casino at Tai Sai. Foolishly, Hou Yongwei thought it was ok to place his $600 bet on the Tai Sai table AFTER the winning result had been declared. Clearly, that is not on. Good on the Singapore courts for sending a strong signal that cheating like this will not be tolerated. If there are cheats in the casino, that’s not safe for anyone: for the staff, the waitresses, or fellow gamblers. There’s a lot of money circulating in casinos at any one time – and if that gambler would cheat the casino, then maybe they’d cheat you too.

You might be surprised at my position on this. After all, I write about how to beat casinos. That’s true – but I write about how to beat them ethically and mathematically using their own games and promotions against them – not by downright cheating. Cheating is NEVER a good idea, in my opinion. In the many years I’ve personally been gambling, I have never cheated, and never would. An honest game is a good game.

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Another type of cheating was caught by the Resorts World Singapore casino a month or two ago. Under Singapore law, Singapore nationals cannot enter the casino unless they buy a 24-hr licence for $100 SGD, or a one-year licence for about $2000 SGD. Both are considered big disincentives to play, in an effort to ensure that Singapore’s casinos are frequented by big-spending international guests, rather than local problem gamblers. Singapore’s “undesirables” are also barred from entering by law. As an undischarged bankrupt, Loo Siew Wan is considered undesirable and was therefore banned from entering or gambling in Singapore’s casinos. Loo Siew Wan attempted to overcome this issue by pretending to be his elder brother Loh Siow Kok to get in. That’s fraud – and the courts didn’t treat him lightly for this either…

I’m impressed to see that this fairly new casino property (opened Feb 14 – Valentines Day) has stringent surveillance and procedures in place to protect its visitors and guests. It makes me feel more comfortable about going there in the future. Have you been to Resorts World Singapore already? What did you think of it? What were the game conditions like? Leave a comment or drop me an email with your thoughts.

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!

5 Comments on Resorts World Singapore at Sentosa Island

  1. Mason Sandhu // 29 May 2010 at 7:39 pm //

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