Poker World Record Attempt, Wanganui, New Zealand

From 22-29 November 2010, at The Grand Hotel, Wanganui, New Zealand, an 80-deep field of poker playing contestants will be trying to break the Guinness World Record of Poker Playing (poker playing marathon – endurance marathon), which is currently held by Las Vegas professional poker player Phil Laak.

The poker game being played is Texas Hold’em poker, perhaps the most popular of all casino poker games. According to the official Poker World Record event website, the event is a non-profit charity fund raiser, with all proceeds apportioned to New Zealand childrens foundations. Seats are currently up for grabs at the popular TradeMe auction website, or you can contact the event organiser via email at Do let me know if you are attending – I might decide to join in also for good measure.

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