Play now – it really could be YOU!

Sky News reported today that a shop assistant from Marshall, near Kansas City, USA, won a $260 million USD Powerball draw on the US Lottery. That’s exciting enough – but what’s really nice about this story is that this winner was earning just $7.25 per hour is his job, was down to his last $30 in his bank account, and had bills to pay. My guess is he’ll no longer be wondering how to pay those bills – imaging the stress relief!

As an internationally rated and recognised VIP casino player, I’ve had good and bad times myself. When things go well, they go very well, and the resulting benefits can be HUGE. Of course, a bad day for a VIP player could be like a bad week or even bad year for average casino players… and yes, I’ve had those too. You can’t win them all – but then you don’t have to. You just have to win the BIG ones.

One thing I’ve noticed in casinos over the years is this: so many players have a bad run, and then stop. Why do that? If you stop, you’ll NEVER be able to get that money back. The past is the past, the future could be more of the same or it could be infinitely better! If you give up along the way, you’ll never be able to reach the full potential of your wins. And readers of this blog will know that we VIP players NEVER SURRENDER to the house. We’re here to play well, and beat the casinos! Otherwise, why would we play?

Mr Shaw, the winner of this big Powerball draw, is quoted as saying: “I’m just a regular guy working pay cheque to pay cheque. Well not any more.”. Well done Mr Shaw! All of us dream of hitting the big one, and let’s be honest, few of us will ever (statistically) reach those heights. But nearly all of us have the capability / possibility to beat the house in the short term – by playing well, by getting an executive casino host, by maximising casino promotions and the like. Sure, it’s a grind by comparison – but isn’t it worth the hard work to improve your financial position at the expense of the huge monolithic casino corporations? I think it is, that’s why I’ve played for so many years. I have free holidays around the world, free money to spend from time to time, and a lot of enjoyment and social interaction along the way.

So, I guess my point is this. Had a bad run? Get back on the horse. Had a good run? Keep playing. Winning can happen at any time (often when you most need it), and as Mr Shaw’s Powerball win shows, it really could be YOU.

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!