Roulette systems to avoid

13 November 2007

Arrrrrrgh. The web is becoming overrun with casino-topic sites that promise great wealth and riches for “just a small investment of $79!”. Avoid ALL systems for roulette, blackjack, baccarat where you have to PAY for the information. Here are just some of the CRAZY roulette [...]

Facebook and online casino groups

11 November 2007

I’ve never been a huge Facebook user / fan, however it does seem to be growing in popularity. I visited today and found well in excess of 500 groups dealing with casinos and gambling… everything you can imagine from casino staff groups, to fans of local casinos, to gambling [...]

Current online casino promos

11 November 2007

I’m not known for blatant casino promotion, but there are some good promotions around currently, which I’m happy to mention here. Please note that I have personally used ALL of the casinos I mention / promote here. I wish you all the very best of luck with these casinos and [...]

The small bets are the winners…

11 November 2007

Hmmm, call me old fashioned but I’ve played online for quite a while – and of course in land based casinos when I had the opportunity. Some might call it coincidental, even common sense, but I’d like to share something I believe to be good advice (you might care to [...]

How to Beat UK Bookmaker Roulette Machines

8 November 2007

Whilst it is (potentially) possible to beat roulette in the short term (and I’ll cover this in more detail in future), it would appear almost impossible to beat roulette on a machine – at least here in the UK. That’s not to say that you can’t win from time to time, [...]

Partwork Two: Money management in casinos

3 November 2007

This partwork covers the basics of money management. It’s useful reading if you need help to ascertain bankrolls for each gambling visit, how to split a bankroll over a longer period of time (i.e. a holiday in Las Vegas for a week), and / or simply how to manage your money [...]

Beat the Casinos – Helpful Hints

28 October 2007

This is PART ONE of our new partwork series, in which we’ll explore how to beat the casinos. More details about the new series can be found in the article entitled Partwork Series Beginning. In this article, we’re going to investigate the basic principles that will decide [...]

Partwork series beginning

28 October 2007

Hi, and thanks for your continued readership of my blog. I’ve had requests from a few readers now to write an official partwork of valuable information covering the basics of how to beat the casinos, and then getting more specific about how to beat individual games and promotions [...]

Casino RSS Feed Now Available

23 October 2007

Hi everyone, and thanks for a great readership start to this blog! We’re attracting a large amount of international site traffic already (and we’re only one week old), which is fantastic – and a clear indicator that the type of “insider / skilled player” [...]

Walk-in casino promotions – Free Gifts!

21 October 2007

I walked past the “GC Casino” in central London the other day, which used to be the London Hard Rock casino, and noticed that they were, at that time, offering a free portable DVD player and screen to members who attended the casino 15 times in the month (if I recall [...]

Travelling to Las Vegas?

20 October 2007

I’m often asked by friends and colleagues about travelling to Las Vegas, and more importantly, how I’ve often been able to stay there free of charge (or very close to it) and have great holidays on the casinos! I’d like to recommend the following sites to you as useful [...]

How can I beat Virgin Casino?

20 October 2007

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you might notice the addition of a casino logo in the right hand area of my page. And you might ask why. And that’s fair enough. Basically, as I’ve said in the introduction to this blog, I’m going to try and provide you with a [...]

Welcome To Beat The Casinos

15 October 2007

Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog! Recently barred from all casinos in the UK, I’ve decided to share the information I’ve built up over 15 years of playing blackjack, roulette and all other manner of casino games with you – in the hope that you’ll be able to [...]
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