Las Vegas Coupons That Really Save You Money

There are plenty of Las Vegas Coupons sites around, but the wealth of offers / opportunities can be a bit confusing, and often the coupons aren’t really worth the time to acquire. That’s not true in all cases of course, but it’s important to be selective about the coupons you want to take if you’re to make maximum savings.

On EVERY trip to Las Vegas that I’ve ever made, I ALWAYS take a range of coupons. I’ve saved hundreds to thousands of dollars on EVERY trip to Las Vegas using them. Generally I manage to get most of my stays fully comped by the casinos, but these coupons help to sweeten the deal and are useful for “off-casino-property” purchases. I’m providing a listing below of the main coupon books etc that I always take – please note that I get NO actual compensation for recommending any of these, although if you purchase the American Casino Guide via my Amazon link, I’ll make a few pennies (about 20p / 40c US). That money goes towards helping to keep this blog free, so it’s a good investment of your time. 🙂

These Las Vegas coupons sources are of use whether you live in the USA, or are visiting Las Vegas from any international city / town. The memberships referred to for various magazines can be purchased for any country (for example, I subscribe to Casino Player Magazine in New Zealand), with the main differential between countries simply being the price of the postage.

1) Join Casino Player magazine: they provide a great coupon book that’s well worth the money. And these coupons are not just for Las Vegas – they cover a range of other gaming destinations across the USA (i.e. Reno, Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Biloxi etc).

2) Join Las Vegas Advisor – my favourite Las Vegas magazine / site. You can join as an “electronic member” only for $37 USD, or subscribe to the print magazine also at additional cost. In either case you get a GREAT coupon book for Las Vegas area that has some unique and EXCELLENT coupons negotiated by Anthony Curtis (the publisher, and one of the world’s greatest blackjack players) himself.

3) Buy the American Casino Guide 2008. This is a book full of information on ALL casinos across the USA. It has an excellent selection of coupons covering all of the USA – and together those coupons can save you hundreds / thousands of dollars. Well worth the investment, just two or three coupons used can save you the price of the book!

4) Buy the Entertainment Book for Las Vegas 2008. Lots of casino AND non-casino bargains and discounts here… discounts on meals, movies, Subway, shopping – probably about 500 coupons in all. I found that 3 or 4 coupons used paid for the book. If you live in the US, this book is easy to get. If not, you might need to do what I did and find a marketplace seller on Amazon or Ebay. It’s well worth the money in any case. If you use the above link you’ll currently save $10 on the retail price and get free shipping. Again, I get NO compensation.

All of these coupon books have worked wonders for me in the past, and they’re the ones I’m happy to recommend. Perhaps you’ve used others to good effect? Drop me a line /comment and let me know your own recommendations, and I’ll share them with the rest of the world via this blog.

Stay lucky! (And save money doing it with these excellent Las Vegas coupons!)

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!

1 Comment on Las Vegas Coupons That Really Save You Money

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