International Money Transfers – $10 Free!

As gamblers, it’s sometimes necessary for us to transfer money around the world, as we go to play in international casino resorts and areas. I’ve done this many times, sending funds in advance of my stay to various casino cages as “front money”. It’s an industry accepted way of saying “I’m a player”, and it allows the casino to send its limousines to the airport to pick you up, and a host to comp you a room for a week at a time complete with food and beverage. And importantly, it works for me. 🙂

Being a gambler, I’m also frugal and don’t like to pay more than I have to for anything. So bank fees for transferring money overseas are something I am keen to reduce or eliminate. I’m also not always keen on the banking system knowing all of my business. I’ve found a very reasonable service to help: Tranzfers.

I’ve used Tranzfers for many years now, and have always found them 100% reliable. Whether you are gambling, working or studying, living or holidaying overseas, you no longer need a Bank to send money between UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, Canada, Hong Kong, Europe (Euro & Polish Zloty), Sweden and the USA. Now you can save time and money with Tranzfers’ cheaper fees and faster service.

Tranzfers offers you:
1. Lower Fees
2. Better Rates
3. Faster Transactions
4. Safe & Secure
5. Flexibility with More Control
6. Tranzfer 24 Hours, 7 Days a week
7. Personal Service
8. Your chance to claim great rewards such as an iPod touch
9. And now you can Tranzfer Euros and the Polish Zloty!

See for yourself – start using Tranzfers today. As a special treat from me, I’ll give you 10USD of my own money once you’ve signed up via this link, and performed your first transfer – just email me at once done. **NOTE: Promotion now finished, sorry.**

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!