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Looking at my blog analytics today was a useful experience. First of all, I’m happy to report that traffic to the blog is growing fairly consistently over time – which is great, and hopefully means that I’m providing unique information that you want to read! Our Feedburner RSS Feeds are growing in popularity too. But secondly, the analytics reveal that many visitors are not looking at more than a few pages of the blog on each visit. This could be for many reasons: visitors are coming daily / regularly so don’t need to read the older content; visitor time is short so they read only the very latest articles for ideas; visitors see the constantly changing home page content, and if there isn’t an article of interest they don’t continue further into the site.

I’m thinking that the reason some users don’t dig too deeply into the site is that they can’t find the casino articles by topic. If there’s one limitation I find with Blogger, it’s that it seems difficult to set up navigation areas by topic. This might just be my “training” with the product – but it’s something I’d like to overcome (so, fellow bloggers, if you have any ideas let me know). I have a wide range of readers from all around the world – but many emails I receive ask for advice on specific topics: i.e. how to beat roulette, how to beat blackjack, how to beat slot machines, how to win cash and prizes on the Internet.

In time I’m going to look into how best to resolve the “topic” issue. I’d like to be able to offer you drop down menus of articles on blackjack, roulette, craps, sic bo, casino promotions etc. As a compromise in the meantime, are you aware that you can use the “SEARCH BLOG” functionality at the top left of every page? For example, if you want to read posts I’ve written about “Blackjack”, simply type “Blackjack” into the search box and press the “SEARCH BLOG” button. The search functionality is pretty good – it does find all articles containing the search words you enter. Want to read posts I’ve written about “Roulette”? Type “Roulette” into the search box and press the “SEARCH BLOG” button. Try it NOW – it’s a great way to navigate around the site, and an alternative to seeing articles by month etc.

Thanks a heap for your continued visits. Beat the Casinos will continue to provide 100% free, unique and personally researched, content about casinos, the games they offer, and how to beat them! As always, if you have any thoughts, contact me at

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!