Facebook and online casino groups

I’ve never been a huge Facebook user / fan, however it does seem to be growing in popularity. I visited today and found well in excess of 500 groups dealing with casinos and gambling… everything you can imagine from casino staff groups, to fans of local casinos, to gambling addicts, to recovering gambling addicts. Most had limited use / information (to my eyes at least) but some were quite interesting.

I just thought that the growth in the number of these groups was an interesting trend. If you’re reading this blog and you’re a Facebook member also, welcome to the blog! Let me know what you think!

One thing I was amazed about is exactly where in the world casinos are – there are THOUSANDS and they’re pretty much EVERYWHERE. I’ve visited HUNDREDS of casinos in my lifetime, but it would be some mission to try and visit them all! And my guess is that growth is so sporific right now that there would be new casinos opening somewhere in the world almost weekly!

I once met a man who’d visited every Wetherspoons pub in the UK. Anyone want to take on the casino visit challenge?

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I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!