Exploring Roulette Myths

Some players think dealers can get the ball to fall in a specific region by controlling the way the wheel is turned. That’s rubbish. Many things can affect a spinning roulette wheel including air pressure and motion, wheel balance, friction, and speed of the spin.

Roulette is a great game, filled with adrenaline. The game is basically sheer luck, but offers high stakes, high risks and huge prizes. When players repeatedly win at the roulette table, their adrenaline may convince them that they’ve discovered some way to beat the roulette wheels… normally this is not the case. Roulette is fun to play, but you’ve got to have a sensible and stable mind when you play. Don’t get caught up in some of the roulette myths that have become mainstream over the years.

Myth 1: Roulette Wheels Are All the Same.
This is a myth. There are big differences between roulette wheels – and the house edges they offer. American roulette has 37 slots and a house edge of 5.26%. European roulette has 38 slots and a house edge of only 2.63%. I know which one I would rather play!

Myth 2: Numbers or combinations that have not shown for a while have more chance of appearing.
This is rubbish too. If black comes up 5 times in a row, the myth says the next spin will be black. That’s rubbish, because on every spin the chance of getting red or black is even / the same… and the roulette wheel does not keep a memory. Thus you can 20 blacks in a row, or 20 reds. It’s uncommon… but I have seen 14 reds in a row once. Probability says that over a large number of spins (say 1 million) that each side should be roughly even, but in smaller spin samples (like those in a night at the casino), there can be huge variation on that probability.

Myth 3: Roulette wheels are not random.
Some players think dealers can get the ball to fall in a specific region by controlling the way the wheel is turned. That’s rubbish. Many things can affect a spinning roulette wheel including air pressure and motion, wheel balance, friction, and speed of the spin. A dealer would need a superpower to influence it.

Myth 4: There’s a roulette system out there that works.
Every roulette system works in the short term. Some may even work for the medium term. But I’ve never personally come across a foolproof roulette or mathematical system that can help you win at roulette in the long term. Roulette is a game of chance, with the odds stacked against the player. No style of betting, money management, or wheel watching will ensure that you win on every spin. If it was possible to win every time you played roulette, why would casinos around the world still offer the game?

Understanding the various myths that gamblers come up with, and why they are myths, is part of the battle to winning when playing casino games. Keep reading How to Beat The Casinos blog to dispel these myths!

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