Do Roulette Systems Work?

As an international VIP casino player with a wealth of experience in casinos, and as the writer of this website, I often receive emails from players asking for casino advice. And I’m happy to give it. After all, we all want to beat the casinos – and the more casino information we all share together, the better.

As an international VIP casino player with a wealth of experience in casinos, and as the writer of this website, I often receive emails from players asking for casino advice. And I’m happy to give it. After all, we all want to beat the casinos – and the more casino information we all share together, the better. Never forget that we’re playing casino games that SHOULD have a house edge against us. There are ways to minimize that edge, and ways to get comps and freebies and drinks etc to help offset the house edge, which are some of the strategies this casino blog tells you about – but there are very few ways to completely eliminate the house edge on casino games. This makes sense: if every casino game was beatable on an ongoing basis, there would simply be no casinos offering the games.

So, I was quite surprised to receive this very seriously written email: “Hi Dave, what are your thoughts about some of the roulette systems available on the Internet? I have read some of the pages about roulette systems on the Internet and I think they can work. A friend of mine spent $3,000 on a system, and he won $20,000 initially. He did eventually lose all of that and more though. But I think he was just unlucky and that the roulette system itself was sound. What do you think?”

It’s pretty clear in my thoughts: DO NOT buy any roulette system or computer or device. I’ve yet to find scientific proof that any of the systems sold online to beat roulette are 100% reputable, verifiable, and lead to long term growth in your dollars through consistent wins. I always ask this: if the system is so good, why are people not keeping it to themselves and selling it instead? Wouldn’t you want to keep such a powerful arsenal against the casinos to yourself? If you’ve made millions of dollars from your system and want to help the world, why do you have to SELL your system? Why not just give it away?

Some of the funnier mathematical systems (the type where you buy the secret information online for $20 or whaever) I’ve seen say “Win at roulette 97% of the time”. Funny, if I cover ALL numbers of the layout, and one hits, I get 35 to 1, so the net result is 1/37 against me… I win 97% of the time however. Or I could play one number only for 1000000 spins. I will likely lose 36 out of 37 spins, and win 1 spin out of every 37. When I’m paid at 35 to 1, the net effect will be that I’ve won 97% of the time (and lost 3% of the time). Seriously, these systems are STUPID. It’s even worse if you’re in the USA and are playing the roulette tables with 0 and 00 numbers… there you will only win 94% of the time!

Also be very wary of the “covert, but allowed” roulette computers / cell phones / hand held devices etc. These electronic devices take timings of the ball and wheel and try to guess where the roulette ball is most likely to stop / land. They are classed as a “hidden camera” device. Some of the manufacturers claim that these are legal to use in casinos because they don’t affect the outcome of the spin. I’m no legal expert, but no casino to my knowledge would ever knowingly allow you to use a recording device to record a roulette wheel in flight and predict the cavity the ball will land in. Casinos simply don’t like cameras or recording devices at all. Or casino cheats. These types of devices would seem to me to be both evils in ONE! And they cost a fair stack of cash. The internet is full of sad stories about people who’ve bought the devices only to find them marginal / useless / illegal in their home casino.

In my time with gambling and casinos I’ve read about roulette systems that can supposedly beat UK bookmaker roulette (FOBT machines like those at William Hill, Ladbrokes, Paddy Power), roulette systems that can supposedly beat online casinos using real roulette wheels (using the “hidden camera” devices – how they do that with any accuracy on a poorly pixilated screen is beyond me), and roulette systems that can beat roulette wheels “any time, anywhere”. It’s in theory pretty easy to beat a biased roulette wheel, if you can find one (they are extremely rare), but apart from that I’m just not filled with confidence on any of the “roulette systems” I’ve seen.

My advice on roulette systems always has been and always will be this: DON’T BUY THEM. If you want to play roulette and win, then using casinos bonus cash promotions might be a way to beat the roulette wheels in the short term. If you’re interested in trying that out, we promote various reputable online casinos here. Outside of using bonus / free cash to play with, I think any “roulette system” is likely to cause you more misery than happiness.

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About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!