Do Prostitutes Still Frequent Casinos?

Security keep things generally safe, but there are prostitutes at most bars for sure.

This isn’t a topic I write about often, but on a recent trip to Las Vegas I found that nearly every casino I entered seemed to have a few obvious women “working the bars” or “working the slots”, clearly looking for sex clients. Most people who spend time in casinos are gamblers or their friends, or casino workers, but there are definitely others who come into this environment to get free drinks, or to meet rich men or high stakes gamblers who have money to burn and would enjoy some alternative “adult entertainment”. Security keep things generally safe, but there are prostitutes at most bars for sure.

Maybe this isn’t surprising, as gambling, alcohol, and beautiful women have been part of casino environments for many years – and probably since they first existed. Prostitution is still known as “the first career” and for good reason. There was a brothel (or “lupinar”) even in Pompeii (which got covered in ash in AD79) near Naples, Italy. I walked the streets of Pompeii a few years ago whilst travelling around Europe but I didn’t see any casino remains. The lupinar however was still standing, and had pictures!

So how can you spot potential prostitutes in casinos, and keep yourself safe? Numerous stories of gamblers getting robbed, held at gunpoint, or attacked after taking a prostitute back to their hotel room abound – so it’s important when gambling to always stay very aware of your surroundings.

The first thing to look out for is someone who is overly flirtatious or overly friendly. If a stranger, beautiful girl or a handsome guy is making clear advances towards you, it is important to be cautious. Prostitutes will generally be dressed in revealing clothing (but not always), which can be a sign of their profession.

Be wary of anyone who is constantly asking for money. It may be a sign that they are homeless, down on their luck, or trying to make a living off begging or prostitution. Whether homeless or a prostitute, both of these types of people could potentially cause you harm. It is also important to be aware of any individuals generally offering services or goods in exchange for money inside any casino environment.

Be aware of people who are constantly talking about sex or trying to engage in sexual conversation. This can be a sign that someone is trying to solicit sex for money. It is also important to be aware of people who are constantly trying to touch you or to get physically close to you. They could be prostitutes, they could be pickpockets, or they could be drunk. Any of these situations could get dangerous for you.

Never leave the casino with a stranger who is constantly trying to get you to go to another location. If someone is trying to get you to leave the casino, it is likely that they are trying to take you to a place where they can solicit sex for money, or where they can rob or drug you. It is also important to be aware of people who are trying to get you to buy them drinks or drugs, as this can also be a sign of prostitution.

There’s a lesser known thing to look out for too. Be aware of people who are constantly trying to get you to gamble. If someone is trying to get you to gamble more than you are comfortable with, it might be because they want to see how much money you have with you – or they might want you to lose and be miserable so that you’ll consider buying their “entertainment services”.

Overall, whilst prostitution does not cause any issues or offence for many casino visitors, it’s still important to know how to identify prostitutes in casinos in order to stay safe and avoid any potential problems. By being aware of the signs of prostitution (and drunks, and drug dealers, and homeless people), you can ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience at the casino.

By the way, it’s important not to generalise here. I’ve met some truly lovely homeless people in my travels, who mean no harm to anyone and are just doing the best they can to get by. I’ve also met some lovely prostitutes – I don’t use their services, but I don’t judge them personally either. Make your own choices – this guide is just to help you keep safe in casinos.

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