Choosing Your Personal Las Vegas Slots Experience

Las Vegas is one of the few gaming destinations anywhere in the world that has slot machines literally everywhere – and not just in licensed casinos. You can find slot machines in 7/11 stores, gas stations, and locals bars – in addition to the main hotel casinos, and smaller slot casinos like Dotty’s. I’ve asked a few Las Vegas friends why they might prefer to play slot machines in local bars or gas stations in Las Vegas, as opposed to playing slots in casinos. These answers represent what they told me. 🙂

Local bars and gas stations are often located in more convenient locations than casinos, which can be a big draw for some players. They are closer to home, they don’t have big security teams, and they’re a bit more informal – which some players may prefer. The slot machines in Las Vegas local bars and gas stations often have lower stakes available than in the big casinos, which can be appealing for players who want to play for smaller amounts of money. Ultimately there are less crowds in the local bars and gas stations, and far fewer tourists. Some Las Vegas locals definitely prefer this more relaxed environment.

That said, playing slots in gas stations, local bars, or 7/11 should probably be only an occasional activity. The slot machines in these venues are known to have lower payout rates than those in casinos. This reduction of RTP% means players may have a lower chance of winning big payouts. The variety of games will definitely be tiny in a locals bar compared to the main casinos – and many of the machines will be older and less exciting than the newer slot machines titles.

You certainly won’t get free drinks with the same regularity (if at all) as you would in a main casino, and the local gas station simply can’t offer player perks or amenities like restaurants, shows, or hotels. Some of these smaller venues might have a players club of sorts – but this will vary from location to location and is definitely more common in bars than in gas stations. If a players club is important to you, it’s worth checking with the local bars and gas stations where you plan to play to see if they have one.

Playing slot machines in local bars or gas stations in Las Vegas may offer convenience and lower stakes, but the chances of winning big payouts may be lower, and the selection and amenities may be more limited. Ultimately, it comes down to your personal Las Vegas slots experience preferences.

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