Las Vegas
I learnt today that The Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada is closing, and will have it's liquidation sale on May 4, 2015. Whilst that provides a good opportunity for Las Vegas locals to pick up a second hand blackjack table, roulette wheel and table, or slot machine, I'm very sad to see this Hotel Casino with 60 years of history closing.
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So the new “What Happens In Vegas” movie is out now in cinemas around the world. It seems to be rating well: number 3 in America, and number 1 in several international markets like Australasia – at the time of writing at least. The storyline is simple. Starring Cameron
There are plenty of Las Vegas Coupons sites around, but the wealth of offers / opportunities can be a bit confusing, and often the coupons aren’t really worth the time to acquire. That’s not true in all cases of course, but it’s important to be selective about the
I’m often asked by friends and colleagues about travelling to Las Vegas, and more importantly, how I’ve often been able to stay there free of charge (or very close to it) and have great holidays on the casinos! I’d like to recommend the following sites to you as useful
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