beat slot machines Slot Machines

2 September 2008 have recently launched, and they offer a range of great slot machines and other casino games. So that you can see the kind of gslot machine games available at, I’ve joined up myself and had a bit of a play. There are a wide range of slots available, in multiple [...]

Can You Beat Slot Machines?

24 April 2008

Personally, I think it would be very difficult to make any sort of ongoing regular living playing the slots, but I guess it's not impossible. Anything is possible right? Some people would argue that you can't make a regular living out of ANY casino game. But some popular gaming authors may say differently I think. [...]

Can You Really Beat Slot Machines?

18 April 2008

People often ask me: “Should I play slot machines? Can I beat them?” I’ll start off by admitting that I’ve not met many people in my life who’ve made consistent profits at slot machines, although I have met a few “lucky players”. Personally, I [...]

Beat The Slots Shows You It All

18 March 2008

If you’ve been reading the Beat The Slots blog for a while, you’ll notice that each of the slot machines we review features screenshots not only of the main game in each case, but also screenshots of the bonus rounds. Why do Beat The Slots do this? Firstly, we believe this is [...]

Slot Machine Payout Cycles

16 February 2008

Sorry about the delay since my last posting. I’ve been hard at work reading slot machine manufacturer specification sheets, and also playing the slots in my local casino – so that I can now bring you a list of slot machine payout cycles / volatility. I don’t believe [...]
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