Can Blackjack Bots Win You Money Online?

AI is a big thing these days. “The robots are coming” they say. I’ve got news for you – artificial intelligence is well and truly here, and it’s influencing many things in our lives. Is blackjack one of them?

Some programmers believe you can program a computer code robot (or bot) to play perfect basic strategy blackjack, helping you to win more money. Human players are never perfect, but a bot is as perfect as the computer coding it follows.

In principle a great blackjack bot would do as well as or better than an exceptional blackjack player. The bot playing blackjack would know exactly when to hit, when to split the cards, and when to double down and make some really money. The theory is that if you trust the bot you can set it to work on an online casino, and then go to bed, waking up with good profit! You have to tell the bot some criteria like the number of decks being played, the rule set, and your bankroll and bet amounts. One issue is that modern online casino software does allow the casino to check for other software on your device that might be trying to be used to find an edge. If these are found, your online casino account will likely be suspended.

Blackjack bots don’t drink, don’t sweat, and don’t get emotional. Blackjack bots don’t get tired like humans do. Blackjack bots play blackjack mathematically to a formula. They might play perfect blackjack, but blackjack is still a game of chance worked out over millions of possible hands. Therefore the typical house edge of 0.5%-1% on blackjack (based on the game rules and derivative) can’t be eliminated by using a blackjack bot. Perhaps the bot will reduce your overall losses over time – but it certainly should not be relied upon to make you a constant profit when playing blackjack online.

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