Blackjack Terminology List

We’re going to cover a variety of terms associated with Blackjack and casinos. I’ve put together a list of interesting terms in alphabetical order for you to know.

“Action” refers to a bet that is live and has actual money placed in the betting area.

“Back Counting” is the act of counting cards by someone who isn’t seated at the table. For instance, one of two friends standing around the table while the other plays.

A “Bankroll” is the amount of money set aside for gambling. Good money management involves managing your bankroll, which can be designated for a gambling session, a month, a season in sports, or any other time period.

Being “Barred” means being removed from the casino permanently. This term is also referred to as “being 86ed.”

“Basic Strategy” in Blackjack is a common strategy aimed at helping players enjoy the game and remain in play.

“Blackjack” is the game we’re discussing, and if you’re unfamiliar with it, check out our quick-start Blackjack guide.

A “Burn Card” is the first card discarded after the deck is shuffled and cut. This is an old anti-cheat measure still used in brick-and-mortar casinos.

“Bust” in Blackjack occurs when a player’s card count goes over 21, resulting in a loss. Ideally, the dealer busts more often than the player.

“Card Counting” is a strategy used to determine the types of cards remaining in the deck. Players using this strategy will bet more when the deck is loaded with larger cards and less when it is loaded with smaller cards. There are several card-counting techniques, and we discuss them in more detail on our site.

A “Cold Deck” is similar to a cold table in Craps and means that the deck is unfavorable to players. If you’re counting, you’ll know when the deck is cold because it’s dominated by smaller cards.

“Color Up” is the act of exchanging smaller chips for larger ones when you’re ready to leave the table. For example, if you have 20 red chips worth $100, you could color up for one black chip. Casinos encourage players to color up to reduce the need for extra chips and make it easier for players to move around with fewer chips.

“Comps” are free gifts given by the casino and are the main reason many people play. They can be in the form of food, rooms, cash, travel, drinks, and so on. Most casinos award comps based on player data from a player’s card, so when you visit a new casino, ask about their player’s card and get one, as they’re free.

The “Cut Card” is used to cut the deck in real-life Blackjack games and is usually a red plastic card the same size as regular cards in the deck.

“Discards” are the cards that have already been played and can be seen off to the side of the table in a real-life game.

A “Double Deck” Blackjack game uses two decks of cards, while a typical Blackjack game uses 1-8 decks. Double-deck games are hand-shuffled and dealt, while shoe games begin with four or more decks.

Double Down – This is a phrase known even by non-gamblers. It means you double your original bet and take one final card, but only if you have your first two cards. In online casinos, you usually have to double your bet, while in live casinos you can “double for less,” meaning you can add any amount up to your original bet.

Double Exposure – This is a variant of Blackjack where both dealer cards are dealt face up. However, it also comes with additional rules, like the dealer wins all ties. Be sure to ask about the rules before playing.

Draw – This is simply taking another card for your hand, commonly referred to as “hit.”

Edge – The term refers to who has better chances of making money in the long run. A player can reduce the house’s edge and increase their chances of winning by using strategies like card counting or playing single deck Blackjack games.

Even Money – If the dealer has a potential Blackjack and you were dealt a Blackjack, you can take even money which means your Blackjack is paid 1:1 instead of 1.5:1. If you don’t take even money and the dealer has Blackjack, it’s a tie.

Expectation – It refers to the amount of money you can expect to win or lose over a period of time.

Face Cards – These are Jack, Queen, and King, all worth 10 points in Blackjack.

First Base – This is the first seat on the dealer’s left and is the first one to receive cards in the game.

Flat Betting – This means betting the same amount on every hand, which isn’t the best strategy. Varying your bets can increase your chances of winning.

Heads Up – This refers to playing against the dealer only, typically in online play. In live casinos, some players will search for empty tables to play solo, and high rollers may even request a roped-off table.

High Roller – A player who bets a large amount, often referred to as “whales.”

Hit – Another term for taking another card for your hand, also known as “draw.”

Hole Card – This is the dealer’s card that can’t be seen unless playing a double face-up game of Blackjack.

Hot Deck – The opposite of a cold deck, a hot deck is one that’s favorable to the player.

House Edge – The advantage the casino has over the player in all casino games. Blackjack has a lower house edge compared to games like Roulette.

Insurance – A bet made when the dealer shows an Ace, where a player can pay half their wager to win if the dealer has Blackjack. This is often referred to as a “sucker’s bet” as it only returns 50% profit if won.

Las Vegas Strip Rules – The rules of Blackjack in Las Vegas can differ between the Strip and Downtown areas. A key rule to check before playing is whether the dealer must hit or stand on a soft 17.

Money Management – A critical skill for players, it involves not only knowing the amount of money to play with but also how much to bet and when. There are various money management systems available.

Money Plays – A phrase used by dealers when a player places actual cash in the betting area.

Natural – This refers to being dealt a Blackjack.

Paint – A request for a face card.

Pat Hand – A hand that is best to keep, like a hard 17. A hard hand is one without an Ace counting for 11 points.

Point Count – A term used in card counting, where you always know the count of cards in a deck.

Push – Also known as a tie, where your bet is returned and you neither win nor lose. In double face-up games, there may not be any pushes as the dealer wins all ties.

Resplit – The ability to split two cards of the same rank, such as two 7’s, and even resplit them if the first card on a split is the same rank. Some casinos may limit the number of splits, from one to four, so it’s best to check with the casino. Some casinos may not allow splitting Aces as a regular hand, instead, only giving one card per hand.

Running Count – Same as Point Count, where a card counter is aware of the count of the deck and adjusts their bet accordingly.

Session – Refers to a period of time spent gambling, often used when talking about money management.

Shill – Casino employees who play at an empty table to attract players and increase action. Often seen at Craps tables as not many people like playing alone.

Soft Hand – Any hand where an Ace is being used as an 11.

Stand – Indicates you are satisfied with your hand, ending your turn.

Surrender – An option offered by some casinos, where you give up your hand and receive half of your wager back. Commonly done when holding a hard 16 and the dealer shows a face card.

Third Base – The seat furthest from the dealer, immediately to the dealer’s right.

Toke – Also known as a tip, given to dealers as an appreciation for their service. Placing a bet for the dealer above your wager on the layout is a common way to tip in Blackjack.

True Count – A card counting term used when multiple decks are in play, calculated by dividing the running count by the number of decks used for a more accurate picture.

Up Card – The visible card of the two cards the dealer initially receives in Blackjack. The hidden card is referred to as the hole card.

Unit – A unit of measurement for betting, such as $5, $10, or $1.

Vig – The money that goes to the house, such as a 10% vig in sports betting.

Whale – A high roller, big-time player, who casinos and dealers love to see as it means a potential for a big payout.

With this comprehensive list, you’re now a Blackjack terms expert. Good luck at the tables!

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