Beat The Slots Shows You It All

If you’ve been reading the Beat The Slots blog for a while, you’ll notice that each of the slot machines we review features screenshots not only of the main game in each case, but also screenshots of the bonus rounds. Why do Beat The Slots do this?

Firstly, we believe this is a pretty unique touch – there are plenty of websites out there that show slot machines, but very few show more than basic gameplay. That tells us that the people featuring those screenshots have probably never really played the games themselves. Here at Beat the Slots, we don’t promote anything we haven’t tried ourselves: the casinos or the games.

Secondly, here at Beat The Slots, we like to play slot machines too – so it’s no trouble to grab screenshots whilst we play. If we weren’t players ourselves, I very much doubt we’d be writing this blog. Yes, we’re addicts (in a good way). We love the games that are possible due to the technology of the Internet. We love being able to gamble in our pyjamas at home. We love the thrill of making REAL MONEY without even having to leave the house! And we think YOU love it too (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading, huh?). We’re sharing our knowledge to help you win!

Thirdly, on that same point, if we’re going to show you how to beat the slots going forward, it’s very important that we understand the mechanics of all of the games, their probable payout percentages, and any cycles that they seem to run in. Only armed with this information can we tell you how to beat them! And we will, in depth, in future articles. For now (as highlighted in our very first Beat the Slots blog post) we’re simply rounding up the various slot machines available online and giving you a basic understanding of the games.

In short, Beat The Slots shows you it all – we take you beyond the point where other similar websites go. And that in itself is a good reason to stay reading, and to keep visiting us here at Beat the Slots! Thanks so much for your visits!

About Casino Player (1068 Articles)
I'm a VIP casino player who plays in online casinos and land based casinos around the world. Read about the best casino promotions and online casino bonuses. Learn how to beat the casinos from me!