Baccarat systems – do they work?

There are various websites on the Internet that claim to sell you Baccarat Systems that are “guaranteed to make you rich”, “guaranteed to win” etc. Like the various roulette systems I debunked in my earlier article Roulette Systems to avoid, these Baccarat systems should probably be avoided. Well, that’s just my personal view – ultimately you need to make your own choices. If you want to spend a few hundred dollars on some potentially (in my eyes) “worthless” information, why not just give it to charity?

Here are examples of just some of the many Baccarat system sellers trying to take your money: – got a spare $195 to spend on a system that supposes you will win 85% of all shoes? What happens to the other 15%? I’m guessing you’ll LOSE those… Sounds like a TIE bet strategy to me (the odds of that bet are about 14.4% against the player). – got either $199 or $299 to purchase some Baccarat software that tells you when to bet? Apparently you only bet about 70% of hands. That’s fine IF your casino / online casino allows that – not all do. And apparently, for this investment of cash, you’ll get a system where you win 2 out of every 3 shoes. So what happens on that third shoe I wonder?

The Infallible Baccarat System – seems like a very strong claim to me… but can it be proven? This system costs $1000 USD for email delivery – on that basis, it better be infallible! I could buy a lot of blackjack / baccarat playing time with that cash!

These sites are of course just the tip of the iceberg – Google reports 662,000 entries when I type the words “Baccarat system” in. That’s an awful lot of sites attempting to sell (in my eyes) false hopes of huge ongoing consistent wins to users.

Why do I debunk these systems as likely to fail? Simply, I’m a maths man, an odds man. When I play ANY casino game, I play it only when I’ve fully researched it, fully understood it, and fully calculated the long term expectation for or against me. Then I look for ways to beat it legally, through players club points, casino promotions, casino bonus cash online, free drinks, etc. By doing so, I give myself the very best chance to win at any game I play. And that seems to work for me.

But because I am an odds man, I also look at other respected internet sites that have run complex mathematical formula to prove or disprove some methods of play / systems. An article I found on Card Counting in Baccarat (which these systems most probably consider as part of their methodologies) proves (to me) rather conclusively that card counting in Baccarat doesn’t work.

So, as usual, you need to make your own mind up about what works for you. My role is simply to provide the information to you, along with my own perspective / commentary built up over 15 years of playing. It’s a personal viewpoint. Do what you will!

Stay lucky, and as usual let me know if you have any questions at

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